GEC 2018 - Dornbirn, Austria

Host company: ClaimCompass

GEC 2018 Supporters

Keynote Speaker: Tanya Mitkova, Founder & CEO of Claim Compass

Judges: Bernd Hertweck (HLA Gernsbach), Daniele Gualdi (University of Bologna), Ellen Thielemans (Er), An Gaublomme (University College of Ghent)

Volunteers: Students of the University College of Ghent

GEC 2018 Coverage

GEC 2018 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Two Challenges, one in English and one in French, running at the same time!

GEC - English

GEC - French

GEC 2017 - Sinsheim, Germany

Host company: RESTUBE GmbH

GEC 2017 Supporters

Keynote Speaker: Christopher Fuhrhop, Founder & CEO of RESTUBE

Judges: Peggy Stinson (Lusion GmbH), Laurent Comte (Helvartis), Mika Kananen (), Stefan Schnitzler (Mercedes-Benz Consulting GmbH), Angelika Lattner (Freelance)

Volunteers: Students of the University College of Ghent students

GEC 2017 Coverage

GEC 2017 - Seoul, South Korea

Host company: RESTUBE GmbH

GEC 2017 Supporters

JudgesKi Joon Nam (Conscience VC), Sabrina Park (), Nick Chapman (VE International), Dolorès Soucy (RCEE-CPFN), Hristo Mavrudiev (UNWE), Tido Janssen ( sbvtc Ltd.)

GEC 2017 Coverage

GEC 2016 - Ulm, Germany

Host company: Robert Bosch GmbH

GEC 2016 Supporters

JudgesMartin Strauss (), Markus Hansmeier (), Upie Naimah (Virtual Company Indonesia), Philipp Kopper (EntrepreneurTalente e.V.), John Jastremski (Office of Career & Technical Education, New York City)

Volunteers: Students of the University College of Ghent

GEC 2016 Coverage

GEC 2015 - Karlsruhe, Germany

Host company: Robert Bosch GmbH

GEC 2015 Supporters

Judges: Stefan Jetter (ÖkoMedia GmbH, Stuttgart), Ingo Noack (Ministry BaWü), Axel Griesbaum (Donner + Partner, Heilbronn), John Jastremski (Office of Career & Technical Education, New York City), Minjung Kim (KoreaPEN), Matthias Kurzhals (Berufskolleg Ennepetal)

Volunteers: Students of the University College of Ghent

GEC 2016 Coverage