You represent a company, organization or other business?
Become a Judge
Your company runs a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme and you would like to support entrepreneurship education? Or you want to help youth to successfully find their career paths in life? Our Events provide a variety of opportunities to get involved and becoming a judge in our challenges and competitions is one flexible way.
We are regularly looking for judges with different business backgrounds to, for example, evaluate marketing or business plans, business case competitions and further skills presentations by our Practice Enterprise trainees. Becoming a judge is a flexible task as there are possibilities to participate from distance and judge the competition entries online. You will be provided with judging guidelines and our PEN Events Team is there to answer any question that may arise.
Consulting & Trainings
You wish to share your personal and work experience and have tips and ideas for trainees on how to improve their skills? We believe in knowledge sharing and the great influence of role models.
If you have an interesting topic you want to present to Practice Enterprise trainees or you are happy to provide insights into your daily work, please contact the PEN Events Team and we are happy to set up a session.
Topics which have been of great interest are for example Design Thinking, Marketing Tools, Social Media Marketing, Financial Literacy, Business Strategies and many more. If you have experience in these fields or have other suggestions, please contact our PEN Events Team for further information.
Mentor Companies
Most Practice Enterprises are in contact with a real world company which functions as their mentor company. A mentor company provides trainees and trainer with advice and ideas about the processes and how a business is run. The mentor company may provide the real-world products and services for sale within the simulated training environment or suggest a specific project for a business challenge like a SWOT analysis.
In some cases, mentors are involved in the recruitment and evaluation process of the students or recruit Practice Enterprise students for their companies as interns. The frequency and amount of interactions between the mentor company and the Practice Enterprise can be set up individually and hence, is very flexible and adaptable.
Check our Flyer on the opportunities and benefits for Mentor Companies and contact us today for more information.
Donations in Kind
For our competitions and challenges we regularly look for prizes that the winning trainees and Practice Enterprises could be rewarded with. Therefore, we are always welcoming Donations in Kind that can be given to the winners of the PEN Events competition and challenges.
If your company or employer is happy to provide Donations in Kind, please contact our PEN Events team.